Washington Daily Decision Service, also known as The Dailies, delivers a daily legal update to lawyers and judges throughout the state of Washington. The Dailies make it both easy and expected for attorneys to know the relevant law promptly and efficiently. After about a year in business, the founders determined that the company’s website and visual identity were not accurate reflections of the smart and effective service they were offering. They approached Form Marketing & Design for help with branding, messaging and website design.
Lawyers need to stay abreast of the latest court decisions – a task many do first thing in the morning to check it off their to-do list. The concept of the checkmark next to the task drove the logo design and was utilized throughout the website and marketing materials. The new website presents The Dailies as very polished and professional without being overly “stuffy” and bland as the founders felt their previous site had been. After the site launch, new client sign-ups increased and several partnership opportunities came to fruition.